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To avoid care home fee, seniors often transfer their homes to their children and this decision is often very emotions and controversial. Many people are worried about putting their home at sale to fund the cost of residential care. It is therefore, imperative to understand the basic fact regarding care home fee planning before making any decision.

Do I need to pay for my care home fee?

The local authority carries out an assessment of your income and capital.

If you don’t have enough income to meet the cost of care and have capital less than £14,250, the local authority will pay the cost of residential care. If you have sufficient income but the capital is less than £14,250, you will have to make the contribution to care home fee.

What ever is your income, if you have a capital more than £23,250, you have to make the full payment of your own.

If your capital is more than £14,250 but less than £14,250, you have to make a contribution to the payment of car home fee. The rest of the care home fee will be deposited by the local authority.

Each individual is accessed as single and if your partner has sufficient income, they are asked to make some contribution. The contribution by your spouse can be made on voluntary basis and can also be enforced by the court.

Here you can take the help of an experienced solicitor who can help you in avoiding care home fee. Generally the solicitor will be documenting the whole wealth related information so you don’t have any issues with proving your worth for a paid residential care.

SRB LLP is a trusted legal firm that can help you with care home and residential care issue. They have a team of experienced lawyers who can direct you in the right direction.